Nederlands - English

Wedding Mechteld & Ido 15 June 2006

On this website you can find the pictures of Ido and Mechteld's wedding.

First there's a selection of the photographs, for a general overview of the entire day.
After that you can find all of the pictures, sorted by part of the day.
You can also choose to see all the photographs together on one page.
Lastly you can view the pictures taken by others.

You can click on the thumbnail to move on to the next photo.
With every photo there is a download-button for a high-resolution download.

I hope you enjoy our photographs as much as we enjoyed the day.


thumbnail The best pictures [144 pictures - Arjan]
A selection of the best photographs of 15 June 2006.


thumbnail Before [48 pictures - Arjan]
Morning in Delft, barber, arrival of Ido, photo session, departure by car.

thumbnail City Hall [84 pictures - Arjan]
Marriage in the City Hall in Leiden, cheering on the staircase, walk through the city to church.

thumbnail Church [57 pictures - Arjan]
Consecration in the Hooglandse Church in Leiden, reception, group pictures.

thumbnail Dinner [35 pictures - Arjan]
Dinner, cake, photo session

thumbnail Party [51 pictures - Arjan]


thumbnail All pictures [275 pictures - Arjan]
A complete list.

Pictures by others

Other friends and family also took pictures:

thumbnail [37 foto's - Pier & Margreet]

thumbnail [8 foto's - Hugo Schoemaker]

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